The government of Uganda provides free education under its Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE) programs. However this has not improved the quality of Education. Schools in Uganda still have to struggle with insufficient and poorly trained under motivated teachers, poor classroom shelters, overcrowded classrooms and shortage of teaching/learning materials.

Support to the community by spearheading cohesive efforts in construction, furnishing and equipping Pre-school and Primary school. Secondary School and Vocational Skills Training School are a foreseeable future plan and cognizant dream.

Papoli Christian School

The school is our unique intervention aimed at providing quality Education in a conducive learning environment at an affordable fee and ploughing some of the profit realized to supporting our community Projects.

Papoli Christian School offer a modern Day and Boarding Pre-Primary and Primary Education services to Papoli community and the surrounding areas.

PACODEF through its education support program carries out the following activities:

  • Construction and renovation of school classroom blocks.
  • Promotion of enrollment and retention of children at school through our strategic community advocacy meetings on the values and merits of education:- choreograph “back to school campaigns”.
  • Menstrual hygiene education and distribution of sanitary pads to the 7 primary schools school girls in upper primary and 1 secondary school.
  • Distribution of scholastic and  instructional materials to schools
  • Support co-curricular activities by distribution of balls and other sports and games equipment.
  • We address the challenges of early school dropout, pubescent pregnancy and premature marriage.

                               A view of Papoli Christian School Block.

School Program

PACODEF through its education support program carries out the following activities:

  • Construction and renovation of school classroom blocks.
  • Promotion of enrollment and retention of children at school through our strategic community advocacy meetings on the values and merits of education:- choreograph “back to school campaigns”.
  • Menstrual hygiene education and distribution of sanitary pads to the 7 primary schools school girls in upper primary and 1 secondary school.
  • Distribution of scholastic and  instructional materials to schools
  • Support co-curricular activities by distribution of balls and other sports and games equipment.
  • We also provide life skills including, peer education, self-awareness, entrepreneurship, empowering girls, HIV AIDS and STDs, early school dropout, pubescent pregnancy and premature marriage.