Health education of pregnant women is a routine activity during antenatal care visits at Papoli Community health center. It is done to achieve better health for the mothers by influencing behavior change. The Reproductive Health Voucher Program in partnership with Marie Stopes Uganda has encouraged many women to come for Antenatal care visits at the health facility, this has provided a key entry point for a…

– Mr. Osabalo David and Hitla Alfred, Provision of Clutches

Provision of Clutches Has Its Time and Target!! I am grateful to say that our community volunteers are doing their work effectively and precisely to meet the demands of the vulnerable community members in their respective villages. We always share with them the technical approach to always organize planned home visits and communities where the status and the consensus of people can easily be accessed.…

Berekia back to normal from 2010 to 2014.

It is evident to justify that PACODEF is doing it all to save lives; The nutrition centre  initiated way back in 201 0 to crack down the malnutrition pandemic which was very high in Papoli and beyond, has proved real and justifiable. To show course it is preferably evident to follow the history of Berekia who survived the arm of death from malnutrition. This was…